Amcovet Company Limited and its affiliates hereinafter referred to as the “Company” realizes the importance and duties under The Personal Data Protection Act B.E. and is extremely committed to protect everyone’s personal information to be safe. This Privacy Policy shall apply to personal information of employees, customers/partners and other identifiable individuals to inform and explain how the company collects personal information, what kind of information is collected, what the purpose of collecting is, and how the information is disclosed, as well as what the measures of information protecting are, including your legal rights as the subject of personal data.

  1. Scope of application

    This Privacy Policy is effective to the performance of employees/ customers/ partners and other identifiable persons.

  2. Definition
    1. “Personal Data” means information about an individual by which an individual can be identified whether directly or indirectly but does not include the information of the deceased in particular.
    2. “Sensitive Personal Data” means information that is the true personal nature of an individual but it is sensitive and may take risks in unfair discrimination such as race, ethnicity, political opinion, belief in rights, religion or philosophy, sexual behavior, criminal records, health information, disability, union information, genetic information, biological information or any other information which affects the owner of the personal data in the same way as prescribed by the Personal Protection Committee.
    3. “Processing” means any action related to the collection, use, disclosure, deletion or destruction of data.
    4. “Personal Data Subject” means an individual who is the owner of the personal aata from which the personal data can be identified whether directly or indirectly.
    5. “Personal Data Controller” means a person or juristic person who has the authority to make decisions about the collection, use or disclosure of personal data.
    6. “Personal Data Processor” means an individual or a juristic person dealing with the collection, use or disclosure of personal data under the order or in the name of the company. A person or a juristic person is not a personal data controller.
  3. Collection of personal data
    1. The company will collect personal data with objectives, scope and lawful and fair methods. The collection will be done only to the extent necessary for the operation under the objectives of the company only.
    2. The company will proceed to inform the personal data subject to give consent electronically or according to the company’s method storage case. In case of the sensitive personal data collecting, the company will expressly obtain consent from the data subject prior to collection unless the collection of personal data and sensitive personal data is subject to exemptions under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019). or other laws stipulated.
  4. Purpose for collecting or using personal information

    The Company will collect or use the personal information of the data subject for the benefit of the Company’s operations or to improve the quality of the work to be more efficient. and/or to comply with laws or regulations relevant to Company’s operations The Company will store and use such information for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which the information owner has been informed. or as required by law only

    The Company will not do anything different from the stated purpose of collection unless the new purpose has been notified to the Owner. The information is known and the consent of the data subject is obtained. And it is in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act or the law. other related.

  5. Disclosure of personal information
    1. The company will not disclose the personal information of the data subject to any person without consent and will disclose according to the objectives for which it has been informed only.
    2. The company may have a necessity in disclosing personal information of the personal data subject to its affiliates or other persons both domestically or internationally for the benefit of the company’s operations and for providing services to the data subject. For the disclosing of the information to such a person, the company will ensure that those individuals keep their personal data confidential and not use it for purposes other than the scope specified by the company.
    3. The Company may disclose personal data of the data subject under the rules required by law, such as disclosing personal data to government agency or regulator including in the event of a request to disclose information by virtue of the laws.
  6. Security of personal data
    1. The company will provide measures to maintain the security of personal data appropriately and in accordance with the law, policies, rules, regulations and guidelines for personal data protection for the company’s employees and other related parties.
    2. The company supports and encourages employees to have knowledge and awareness of their duties and responsibilities in collecting, storaging, using, and disclosing personal data subjects to enable the company to comply with the protection policies and laws on personal data accurately and efficiently.
  7. Rights of the personal data subject
    1. Right to request access and obtain a copy of personal data relating to oneself or request to disclose the acquisition of such personal data that does not give consent.
    2. Right to object to the collecting, usage or disclosure of personal data about oneself.
    3. Rights to erase, destroy or make personal data non-identifiable to the personal data subject.
    4. Right to request suspension of use of personal data.
    5. Right to revoke consent to processing personal data that has been given consent. However, the revocation of consent does not affect the collection, usage or disclosure of personal data that has been given consent.
    6. Right to rectification of personal data.
    7. Right to transfer personal data
  8. Review and change of personal data protection policy

    The Company may update or amend this policy from time to time to comply with legal requirements, change of the company’s operations, including suggestions and opinions from various agencies, in which the company will clearly announce the changes.

  9. Contact information

    Amcovet Company Limited, Office: No. 2 Motorway Road, Prawet, Bangkok, Thailand

    (to Ms. Onchuma Puengramphan, Human Resources Department) or via email: [email protected]

It is announced and effective from 1 April 2022

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